Sales Module Introduction

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The sales lead module tracks every lead from entry through to acceptance or loss.


Every lead has many fields that can be configured according to your sales process.
Every lead is assigned an overall sales person - owner.
Users can add unlimited notes against each lead giving a complete history of all interactions
Every note added has a corresponding follow-up action, follow-up date and a follow-up owner.
A quote page is created to produce a quotation.
if the customer 'converts' the lead automatically links into the job management, job sheets, job tracking and invoicing.


The Sales Dashboard is the Central Area for Managing Leads:

The sales dashboard is the main method for seeing an overview of all leads and their corresponding owners, follow-up dates and actions.



Learn more about the SALES DASHBOARD                      More about EDITING A LEAD                More about ADDING A NOTE


The following are key fields that can be configured:


Sales Channel: these are the methods by which you came by the lead (e.g. via website, magazine ad etc.)
Products: Select the main product the lead is interested in.
Sales Pipeline Stage: The sales process is often refered to as a 'pipeline'. Eight steps can be defined and is used to track the lead through your sales process.
Sales Person: Each lead has an overall sales owner, which typically stays the same through the sales process.
Department: You have a further option to define departments with which to assign the lead to.
6 definable dropdown boxes: that can be configured to suit.