Call: 0117 303 5183

Arrange a Web Demonstration.....

How to Arrange a Web Demo:

A Web Demo is very easy to set-up and can be ready to go in a matter of minutes

We send you a weblink which allows you to view our screen while talking / asking questions via phone.

To provide a more realistic demonstration we can (with a little notice) convert one or two of your templates (e.g. jobsheet) specially for the demo.

Arrange a web demonstration - either call or email us

Note: BusinessFlow Online is designed, built and supported in the UK

Phone: 0117 303 5183


How does the web demonstration work?:

We use a small commercial program that shares our computer screen with you via the internet. We also phone you at the same time and as we use the system in 'real time' you can see and ask any questions. This ensures that we demonstrate the things that you are interested in.

How long does the demonstation take?:

Typically we can demonstrate the main features in 30 - 45 minutes, but quite often we are asked varying questions about how to overcome certain problems and this can increase the time. We are very happy to answer any questions and can also arrange follow-up calls or demonstrations if more people need to see the system or you just have more questions.